Get Your Beauty Sleep Back with Sleep Apnea Treatment

Do you have a spouse or loved one who complains about your snoring? Do you get up in the middle gasping for air at night? Do you find that you are always tired during the day and can never fall asleep? If these symptoms sound familiar, then you may be one of the many people suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea treatments can include lifestyle changes and surgery. Learn more about sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea & Your Health

Getting comfortable sleep every night is an important part of your daily health. Although snoring may seem harmless, it indicates that your breathing is obstructed and may be a sign of sleep apnea. However, it is important to note that if you snore occasionally, it does not mean that you have sleep apnea.

If the soft tissues of the mouth and throat become too relaxed (this occurs involuntarily), they can create a blockage and restrict airflow. This results in snoring, difficulty breathing at night, frequent urination during the night, and poor sleep quality. Some research has also shown that sleep apnea increases the risk of a heart attack.

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The Solution

If you suspect that you may have sleep apnea, we recommend you visit us. Most important, don't give up on a good night's sleep! The most common treatments available include:
  • CPAP Machines: Through the use of face masks worn during sleep, continuous positive pressure (CPAP) is applied to keep the airway unsymmetrical. Although some people find this treatment effective, others have a hard time sleeping with them.
  • Oral appliance therapy (OAT): If you're looking for a solution in which you don't need a cumbersome machine, we can fit you with a special device that extends the jaw slightly, opening the airway. , And allows a peaceful sleep.
Call Today For Sleep Apnea Treatment!
Now is not the time to be in. It's time to get out and join the fun of spring!But if you don't feel completely relaxed, we understand the temptation to pull the cover back over your head and hit the snooze button a few more times. Call Us: 7034370007
